Poetry Challenge, Day 2: #inareddress

Hi everyone! As some of you know, Francesca Lia Block, one of my favorite authors, is having a 30 poems in 30 days challenge over on her blog, Love in the time of global warming. I wanted to share my poems both here and there. Here’s my poem for day two:


I wore my favorite red dress today, the one
that my best friend told me not to wear
because it looked better on her
but I wore it anyway
because I felt like I could dance on flames
and walk on water

so I waited in the schoolyard for you
texting on my smartphone and wanting to update
my relationship status
but twenty minutes later the wind whipped around me
and a cold freeze came with it
whipping my dress, round and round
and instead I ended up tweeting.

If you want to read what Francesca wrote, along with others sharing their poetry too, check out day two of the challenge here: http://loveinthetimeofglobalwarming.blogspot.com/.

Have you ever written poetry? What’s your favorite poem?


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